Would your dog need more activity in their life? Maybe you bring them on walks. Maybe you play fetch with them. Perhaps you play tug of war with them. But maybe there's more? In fact, there is more: brain stimulation. Brain stimulation is making their brain active, making their senses active, and developing those senses so that they have a more enriched and active brain. This helps with boredom, lowers stress levels, and is an overall brain workout for the doggo. We want smart dogs that use their brain and aren't at the bottom of the barrel. You can work with your dog by honing in on their developmental skills so they're not the dumbest dog in the dog park. This is great for not only lessening hyperactivity but lowering aggression in aggressive dogs and making your dog an overall happier animal. Now what can you do for brain stimulation? Things you can buy are puzzles for dogs where they have to work their little brains to get treats out of cubby holes. You can also buy lick mats where you can lather it up with safe peanut butter, safe coconut oil, bananas, blueberries, or frozen raw goat milk. You can actually freeze all of what I mentioned in the previous sentence for it to last longer as well. Kong even sells the classic Kong which you put treats in or frozen goodies inside of it where your dog would work to lick it out. Brain stimulation can even be something you don't have to buy. Getting your dog around other dogs or humans is a great way to stimulate their brain. Teaching your dog new tricks or even making a course in your backyard can help your dog out and give them a more fulfilled life. We all want a smart, happy, enriched dog that feels fulfilled in life. And you can reach this possibility with your dog. Just give it a try.
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Does your dog get dehydrated? Do you want to add more taste to your dog's kibble? Everyone has heard of broth and how we humans use it. Whether we use it for stews, chili's, you name it, it has always come quite handy. Broth toppers can be added to your dog's kibble and they can have amazing impacts on your dog. Lots of dogs don't drink enough water. And it is a big issue. Broth toppers added to the kibble will give that liquid punch your dog needs to stay healthy and hydrated. It's a real wonder why some dogs don't drink their water. But if you look deeper you might find dogs don't drink their water due to a bladder infection or a urinary tract infection. So it is always safe to check with your vet for more information. But say, your dog isn't a big drinker. It might even be due to reduced activity. The best bet is to keep a dog active and maybe even then your dog is not drinking enough water. Always have in the back of your mind that a good solution to this problem could really end up being a broth topper to keep your dog slurping up those liquids. Another reason to try broth toppers is a better taste to go with the kibble. You might be worried about feeding your dog the same kibble day after day. Maybe your dog is getting tired of it. Or maybe you can't switch the kibble up because the kibble is the only kibble your dog can eat due to intolerances or allergies. So adding a broth topper might be the best bet for you. This will change the taste of your dog’s pallet for a pallet that needs flavor enhancements. Remember to be careful when buying broths for dogs if you're not buying them at dog food stores or off dog food websites. Human broths usually contain high sodium and other fillers which are not good for dogs. The best route to take is buying them from dog food stores. This is a safe and smart route to take. If you liked this blog post remember to subscribe to All Healthy Dog and stay updated with posts. One of the great things I love about how I started working at a healthy dog food store is learning about giving CBD to your dogs. We all know about how CBD has been growing in popularity among humans. Humans smoke it, they take gummies for it, and they take tinctures of it. It, no doubt, has especially been growing in popularity among older people too. I have two grandparents, and they asked me if I would go buy them CBD gummies to help them sleep at night and to help with their aches and pain. And that's exactly what it is used for for dogs too. Dogs, you have to understand, are more sensitive to CBD. From my experience of giving my dog, Zoey, CBD, she doesn't need much. For dogs, CBD comes in treats and chewies, and it also comes in tinctures. A certain brand of CBD treats I've been buying come in 1 MG and 4 MG. The 1 MG is given per every ten pounds so one treat per every ten pounds the dog weighs. And the 4 MG treat is one treat for every 40 pounds. I've been buying the 1 MG treat, and my dog weighs forty pounds. So it doesn't take much for her. And I don't give her them that often. I usually have them ready for when there's a thunderstorm or when there are fireworks. CBD calms dogs down and chills them out if they deal with anxiety during those two events. CBD will make dogs extremely tired and even put them to sleep which is very lovely for when a thunderstorm is happening and your dog would normally be shaking with fright during it. CBD is also good for hip and joint health so if you have a dog that is a senior and has trouble walking up and down stairs, CBD might be right for you. Other benefits include helping with seizures and inflammatory problems. Now that you've learned about CBD for dogs, when going forward, remember to not give your dog too much. I stress again that dogs are more sensitive to CBD than humans. If you liked this blog post, subscribe to All Healthy Dog to read more posts about keeping your dog healthy. The Best Diet for your dog is a raw diet The best diet for your dog is a raw diet. The only problem with this diet is it is for people who have money to spend. It's the most expensive diet you can feed your dog. The cheaper option for this but still will cost you money is to sprinkle raw freeze-dried or raw frozen on your dog's kibble. Now, what are freeze-dried raw and frozen raw dog food? Well, it's not kibble, I can tell you that. Kibble is cooked and raw isn't. It comes in two different ways, freeze-dried and frozen when buying it. Freeze-drying is a dehydration technique and because of this process, it has a longer shelf life and can just sit in your pantry and won't expire as fast. Frozen raw dog food is the cheaper route because it is frozen raw dog food that you will have to unfreeze and will take more time in doing so. Freeze-dried is suggested to add water to it even though you don't have to and frozen raw will be wet and soggy once unfrozen and fed to your dog.
AuthorA. C. Zito Archives
August 2024
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